Self Love Practices

Art by Caroline South.

Art by Caroline South.


Looking for a self love blog? Welcome. We believe strongly in the power that comes from taking care of yourself. Self love practices help you, of course, but also those around you, and spread out to benefit the world around you. Meaning, your self care is good for us all.

Here are some key things to remember on your self love journey:

Taking a rest is a sign of strength

Seize the day, they say. Grind, they tell you. Hustle.

Let’s also add to that: Panic attacks. Spiral out of control. Feel overwhelmed. And on and on…

For years (decades?) I acted as if every meeting, every connection, every gig, every client was essential; like I had to live my life like a motivational quote or I was some kind of failure at living my Best Life™.

Do you know where that got me? Exhausted. Spinning out all the time. Chasing my own tail. This is not to say that we shouldn’t work hard and be prepared to act quickly when the right things come along — but it IS to say that every single opportunity, by definition, is not essential.

Friends: sometimes it is okay to hit the snooze button on life. We don’t have to go 100% all of the time. We don’t have to be primed and ready to jump on every opportunity that comes our way. It’s cool to choose rest when we need it.

Yes, as the saying goes, you only have one life. But doesn’t that allow you, all the more, to treat yourself with kindness?

Saying yes when you aren’t a 100% has its own costs. And most importantly, it is in no way a sign of weakness, in fact it is a sign of strength.

Moving slowly creates space for future opportunities

Taking time to care for yourself, setting boundaries, and saying no speak to your self-awareness. It shows that you are willing to listen to your body and you understand this time off and moving slowly open up space for more beautiful things in the future, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally.

We can actually get a lot more done when we operate from a place of stillness, peace, and kindness. There is something so delicious about being in a state of flow; being able to focus on the task at hand with our breathing steady and our minds relaxed. Doesn’t this sound so much better than trying to get things done while hyperventilating and feeling like everything is falling apart?

This can only happen when we give ourselves the liberty to switch off when we need to.

Cross stitch by Shannon Downey.

Cross stitch by Shannon Downey.


If you need permission, here it is:

  • Say no, even if you are scared that the next thing won’t come along. It will.

  • Postpone that meeting if you are not operating from the place you want to connect from.

  • Create some space, without knowing what you will fill it with.

  • Block or delete anyone who isn’t energetically uplifting your spirit.

  • Hit that snooze button — for no other reason than that you feel like it!

  • And it’s completely okay not to wash your face sometimes, despite what hustlers from the wellness industrial complex like to say.

Wishing you rest, space, peace, and relaxation. You deserve it.


Liza Kindred's Signature

p.s. Ready to get started on your self love journey? Here are dozens of simple ways to practice self love–and there are 108 more in my book.

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